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Quick start

Defining styles

Styles are defined using an object syntax and the create() API.

import * as stylex from '@stylexjs/stylex';

const styles = stylex.create({
root: {
width: '100%',
maxWidth: 800,
minHeight: 40,

Any number of rules can be created by using additional keys and additional calls to create():

import * as stylex from '@stylexjs/stylex';

const styles = stylex.create({
root: {
width: '100%',
maxWidth: 800,
minHeight: 40,
child: {
backgroundColor: 'black',
marginBlock: '1rem',

const colorStyles = stylex.create({
red: {
backgroundColor: 'lightred',
borderColor: 'darkred',
green: {
backgroundColor: 'lightgreen',
borderColor: 'darkgreen',

Using styles

To use styles they must be passed to the props() function. Styles can be combined using an array, and applied conditionally using standard JavaScript expressions.

import * as React from 'react';
import * as stylex from '@stylexjs/stylex';

const styles = stylex.create({ ... });

function ReactDiv({ color, isActive, style }) {
return <div {...stylex.props(
// apply styles conditionally
isActive &&,
// choose a style variant based on a prop
// styles passed as props
)} />;

The example above uses JSX. StyleX itself is framework agnostic. The same code works with other frameworks that accept className strings and style objects such as SolidJS, Preact or Qwik.

For other frameworks, it's easy to write simple helpers functions to convert the output of props() to the appropriate format. For example, here is how you would use StyleX with an html template literal in a component built with Enhance:

import type {StyleXStyles} from '@stylexjs/stylex';
import * as stylex from '@stylexjs/stylex';

import { spread } from './helpers';

const styles = create({ ... });

export default function EnhanceDiv({ html, state }) {
const { attrs } = state;
const { color, isActive = false, style } = state;
// Enhance only accepts string attributes.
const stylesObj = style ? JSON.parse(style) : null;

return html`
<div ${spread(stylex.props(
// apply styles conditionally
isActive &&,
// choose a style variant based on a prop
// styles passed as arguments